Wix offers a range of apps and business solutions, enabling users to sell products and services, run events, write blogs, manage restaurants, and more. Wix business solutions are comprehensive apps created by Wix for managing a specific type of business. Users add Wix business solutions to their sites by installing apps created by Wix.
To make an informed choice about how to work with these apps, follow the path below.
First, we recommend you review the Integrating with Wix's Business Solutions article.
In addition to Wix's business solutions, Wix also offers other solutions you can integrate with, such as media support, form submission, location management, loyalty programs, and more.
A great way to learn about Wix's business solutions is to try out tutorials related to the business solutions relevant to you.
You can integrate with Wix’s business solutions and resources in the following ways:
APIs for connecting your services to Wix sites by gaining access to a business solution’s data. We use the term API here broadly to include Velo APIs, SDKs and GraphQL.
Service plugins for injecting your own functionality directly into a Wix business solution. Learn more about service plugins.
Replacement of business solution pages for customizing the user experience by replacing default Wix business solution pages with your own. Learn more about replacing a Wix Business solution's app page.